Friday, February 25

Tale of the Purple Trance (Avaree of Crushridge US)

Life was pretty plain for me growing up. My father was part of the Gilneas Musketeers serving King Greymane since he was a boy. He started off in the stables and he quickly became like a page boy to the Musketeers. They taught him how to wield a sword as well as fire a gun. Father went to war with them and kept the camp in working order and often hunted game for fresh meat for the Musketeers during the Second War.

Shortly after the Second War, my father returned home and married my mother; A beautiful maid-servant who was assigned to the Silverlaine family. She was allowed to leave with him and begin a life in the country. I was born into a happy life in the country with hunting hounds as friends and my father teaching me to hunt to provide for the family in case of another war when he would be called away to serve his king. Then came the Great Wall.

The Musketeers were disbanded shortly after my father was given his own tabard and standing within their ranks. This devastated my father because he wasn’t able to serve side by side with his friends during battle. He shared his feelings of apathy with Darius Crowley, a friend of the King and one who shared the disgust for the king’s actions in building the wall.

By this time I was well into my teens and knew of my father’s complaints of apathy and secret meetings with Crowley. One night my father left to meet with Crowley and his other supporters and was captured by the night watch. They were sent to prison on counts of treason. Within a year or so strange beasts plagued the countryside and killed my mother. After discovering my mother on the road from the market and our home mutilated, I retreated to my home for weeks. I barely ate nor slept. The only reminder I had of sleeping and eating were my hunting hounds.

One morning I awoke with the hot breath of Bayard, my favorite hunting hound, blowing my tangled hair away from my face. In his mouth he had a beautiful talisman made of purple metal and a purple gem. The images on the talisman were of a wolf and a hammer. Somehow this talisman brought back a strength and comfort I had longed for since my father was imprisoned. Gazing into the gem I could feel a heartbeat and a power like the stone was alive. That evening while I looked at the talisman in the firelight as it dangled around my neck I could almost hear a voice.

…I shall not make another like you…
…I will not be complete until I find you…

It was as if the talisman were the vessel in which someone’s thoughts had been put away for safe keeping. But what were these last two words? Were they names of people, places? How am I to find out more? How can I learn more about this talisman if I remain behind this wall? Would the beasts attack me as they did my mother? If I try to leave Gilneas will I be imprisoned like my father? So many questions swam through my mind, I didn’t notice the shadows outside the farmhouse windows growing larger.

Shadows burst through the windows, shattered glass and wind blew into my home snuffing out candles and the hearth. My hounds immediately jumped to my protection, as I reached for my rifle sitting on my mantle I got a good look at the intruders. WORGEN! The entire house was being overrun; I could hear them upstairs and on the thatch. I tried to shoot them as they made their way in, but they were too many. My hounds were keeping the beasts at bay while one of my hounds, Bayard, was ushering me towards the open door.

I took only a pack and my rifle and ran. My only thoughts were to make it to Gilneas and try to find my father, when I arrived in Gilneas I could see that the Worgen were filling the streets and I found Prince Liam Greymane in the town square on his horse shouting orders to anyone that would listen. I went to his aide and there is where my story begins…

Monday, February 21


This is just a post to let everyone know if they are interested to email me or reply to this message for an invite to my guild on CRUSHRIDGE-US on World of Warcraft. The is recruiting all levels and all types of players to join our SOCIAL and LEVELING guild.

We are focusing mostly on guild achievements such as the Guild Instance Runs which we are doing every night at 9:00 PM PACIFIC TIME. So please come and join in the fun, help the guild level and be a part of the TEN guild.

Tuesday, January 25

Tale of the Purple Trance (Xandarr of Crushridge US)

Before I begin my story after The Shattering, I guess I had better start from the time before the crashing of the Exodar. Before we were at war… This is my story…

Before the war I was a passivist, I don’t believe in confrontation or even war. If confrontation can be avoided through negotiation and setting terms through democracy then that is the way to preserve the peace. Although not a lawyer or even a moderator I had the ability to negotiate harder issues before they became violent. I preferred staying out of conflict and just work in my small jewelry shop outside the small township of Roilin on Argus. I had been commissioned to do jewelry for royalty and for weddings alike. Life was peaceful.

I believed in the power of The Light and attended services as often as my business would allow. My life changed, however, the night I received a blessing in the form of a vision while I slept one night.

The dream took place in a forge and jewelry shoppe similar to my own. I was working in the forge but the tools were different than my normal worn tools. I especially noticed the hammer which was of exceedingly radiant workmanship and lighter than a normal hammer used at my forge. I made beautiful jewelry in this forge and I became fascinated with the quality of this hammer. Its temper and strength was like no other I had ever used before. In fact, I pushed this hammer to its limits, even placing it near the fire and it did not heat up or crack like my previous tools had over time.

One beautiful morning an animal appeared in my forge that I had never seen before. An animal with four legs, beautiful silver fur and it always remained quiet except when I stuck my hammer to the anvil. This animal would let out a noise similar to a gun shot. But this sound was not in fear or in anger because I was using the hammer but more in awe at the hammer. This animal I later discovered was a wolf similar to the wolves of Azeroth but I had never seen a creature like her before coming to Azeroth. This strange creature fascinated me with her intelligence and playfulness.

I worked in the forge for months, the creature never left the forge and always stayed close to my tools, especially the hammer. I caught the beast on many occasions trying to steal the hammer but she just couldn’t lift it. Once she did pull it off my anvil and it fell to the floor, the hammer struck the ground and rang out almost in a laugh, as if to say “You are not strong enough to work with me.” This moment intrigued me as I watched the interaction between the hammer and the animal. This went on for quite some time; you could see the admiration in the eyes of the creature at the quality, the temper, and strength of this hammer that had been through so much in the forge. It was as if the wolf wanted to be as strong and as resilient as the hammer.

One day in the forge I had placed the hammer in a precarious position on my anvil where it teetered on the verge of falling over. I was across the room and nowhere near where I could catch it if it should fall. The wolf watched the hammer as it teetered, threatening to fall directly into the forge which was past the point of flash burning anything other than the strongest Eternium. The hammer started to fall, the wolf leapt up to try and save the hammer and together they fell into the furnace; the two becoming one in almost an instant in an explosion of light. When the blinding light subsided I went to the forge to see a glowing object. I reached into the blazing inferno with my tongs and pulled out a talisman made of Eternium and Draenite honoring the hammer and the wolf and the sacrifice the wolf made to never leave the hammer.

This vision touched me so deeply I awoke in the early hours of the morning and began to forge a talisman to remind me of this vision. I made the talisman from Eternium a rare metal on Argus as well as a singular perfect Draenite gem in the middle. I called the talisman The Purple Trance.

It is said that every craftsman makes one item in their lifetime that is so perfect and so pure that they put all their heart and soul into. Such items cannot be reproduced, not even by the craftsman, not even if a mold of the item was made. Fate chooses that item to imbue with certain gifts. So too was the talisman I made, although it was not known to me at the time, I knew this item was special to me because its significance and my dream.

I wore the Purple Trance daily; I only took it off to wash. It became a part of me just as much as my hands or facial tendrils are. Those who knew me saw the talisman and came to know of its significance to me, although none knew of the vision that inspired it. Commissioners came to offer me money for it, Suitors tried to obtain it as gifts for their intended, but nothing could separate me from my Purple Trance until we fled Argus.

With the betrayal of Kil’Jaeden and Archimonde ushering in the Burning Legion I fled with many others aboard the Exodar. We were forced to crash land on Azeroth. When I awoke from the devastation I realized that my talisman was no longer around my neck. All that I had was my hammer, my faith, and this new planet that I will search until my dying breath to retrieve my Purple Trance. I took up the mantle of Paladin but vowed to be a protector and only fight when forced to defend myself or those I cared for.

Before the Shattering I searched for my talisman in vain; but through my trials I have learned to harness the Light and use it to purify evil from my new home on Azeroth. I still search all over Azeroth, returned to the “Outlands” and even assisted the Alliance in their plight against the Lich King to find it. I was beginning to give up hope, but I always knew that my heart would truly stop beating if anything happened to my Purple Trance. So I continued my journey with my friends I have made along the way; Kilzar, the gruff but kind dwarf hunter and Nkaala, the ‘mother bear’ that guides me and keeps me centered on peace.

Life changed dramatically for me about a year or so before the Elemental Invasion ushered in the Shattering. But this story will have to wait until another side is revealed by the other player in this saga…